Apr 28, 2005 11:01
"well im one step further to getting this over with, and 21 steps back in hours of waiting"
^some lyrics i wrote quite a while ago, but kinda sum up today in a nutshell,....its a waiting game, its always a waiting game, ive waited my whole life for things and today is no different!!! sigh!!!...its not all bad, the hours will soon turn to minutes and then we'll be seconds away.......i just hate waiting basically...
yesterday was an o.k day college wise, got up early which sucked because i woke up and just got it into my head that i was going to miss my alarm!!! so i was just driffting in and out of sleep constantly, and as a result, felt quite tired.... but you know how it is when, you, get something into you head bcause your tired, it makes perfect sense att he time, its only after when your actaully awake your like "eh?".... so that summed it up!
art was o.k, amazingly i always manage to get toones of work done in thta class, its really strangw, but as soon as im home, i can tdo a damn thing.! weird! i spent the whole oof my lunch break looking on the computer at stupid stuff, rotting my brain out of my ear, i wa soooooo bored and actually found myself hardly being able to contain myself about my photography lesson...... spoke to melissa about, stuff, fortunatley she told me that we had to go to the doctors first... and everyhting went fine...... i had to carryt his huge ass piece of cardboard home from college, it was realy hard, as everytime the wind blew, ...yep that right, i went with it!!! ...not cool!....its a huge advertisment, and it s of a scene in a house like a bed, a window, etc...i thought i could use it for a photo shoot, and its gonna be sooo cool.
everyhting went o.k with Amyy bear,lushious princess, goatee!!!lol!!!! we had a little sad moment, and then liek the trooper she is she pulled herself togehter marched right in there, whilst holding my hand (soo cute) and got the job d to the o to the ne and e DONE.
we came home and i was a littlemean to Amyy, im not sure why ...to be honest i wasnt aware i was doing it, and then it occured to me that what i was doing could be percieved as a little mean, so i appologised...i know when im wrong.
Ammy took me out on tuesday night, to see a movie, 'the cursed', it was alittle silly but it was really jumpy, and Amyy got in the sancks which were major league nice....
AMYY LOKKED SO HOTTTTTTT!!!!! she put all her hair in braids the night before, and took them out before we went out, and looked so hot!!!!! like 80's hot not corny way!!! she had leggins and everything,.....major hotnesss, never take the legins off pleassssssseeeeeeeeee.......
well ive got to make toast before i ahve a heart attack and also get a pillow thrown at me by the princess.