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Sep 15, 2005 21:02

soooo lets c......ummm went to skool ummmm on monday we went to Mels for her pasta party....which was soooooo much fun..lol we were ova till like 930 and then like when we were driving home..we had to drive like everyone....me matt angelo rachel and tiff were jamming to FALL OUT BOY and liek danielle called when we were in the car anf like we were all screaming and acting all crazy....lmao it was a blast! then on tues was our meet....then wed i went looking for a homecoming dress, cuz now i am goin!!!! :) then 2day had practice and then i went shopping and then talked on the phone w/ caitlin and cant forget morning practice at 6 this morning and now im online!
leave it here! xoxo

FALL OUT BOY 13 DAYZ!!!!!!woot woot
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