Nov 01, 2004 10:39
so friday duffy decided it was cuddle night, so we stayed in my bed for like 6 hours cuddling and sleeping, and pushing my cat off the bed. saturday i went to work, then came home for a lovely home cooked dinner from mom, which duffy joined us. he told me that caitlin's parents were allowing people to drink, so i brought 2 smirnof (sp?) ices, and 2 green apples. the party was tons of fun. bunch of cool costumes, and drunk people dancing to duffys power hour cd mix. that is until i was sitting on the recliner and asked kelly to get me a bag. *dun dun dun* she screams for people to help carry me outside. i told her i was fine then, but just in case, can i have a plastic bag. a minute later i puked in that bag. about 2 tablespoons, so it wasnt much by any means, but still. so i flew out of that chair, ran for the door, up the 6 steep steps, and outside of the basement hatchway. i didnt puke anymore, but i did get some of teh bags contents on my BRAND NEW shirt from express. from that point on i put on my new sweater and pj pants, and stayed in the recliner, getting out only for bathroom breaks. i went home at 7 the next morning and showered, slept, went to work at 10, stayed for 3 hours, then went home. passed out for hours, had a delish eggplant dinner, gave gremlins candy, then passed out in my bed w/ duffy for another hour or 2. today i stil feel icky, but much much better. all in all, good weekend. bed time again now tho. peace.