Dec 07, 2004 01:00
well well... classes are winding down!!! :-) yay. just...yay. 1 more english class, 1 more fashion class, they are all ending and i'm just so glad. Christmas break will be fun fun. can't wait to SLEEP IN!!! YESSS!
OH! and well... screw Express... seriously. boo on them. so a girl in my fashion class was like "COME WORK AT HOLLISTER!!! PLEASE!!!" so i was like mmm alright. so i went tonight and i gotta go back with my application tomorrow at 4 for a group interview or something??? hopefully, it will equal a job... my friend better put in some good words for me!
11 days til Bradley comes home! ...hopefully... stupid military... you gotta get approved by like 638726 people for leave.
can i just say... I am so in love. he makes my heart melt. :-)
the roomies and i worked at the art studio last night for like... 12 hours... well minus going to get food and going to walmart. but holy hell.. i was getting a little dillusional and dancing on the tables and singing lots of rascal flatts and such. and jess made me cry talking about the future. and it was good times.
my Pepsi Vanilla has gone flat... dammit.
i saw amy clark today... for like 2 seconds... on the way to class... she said hi to me! cus i was half asleep and not paying any attention... to anything.
everyone needs to do this facebook thing cus it's fun getting e-mails saying people want me to add them as their friend. haha. meeee?! a friend?!?! hahaha. i like the Brunettes Do It Better group... that's just awesome.
alright i'm gonna go now. everyone have a good day tomorrow. and the next day...and so on.
and Happy Chanukah! (Jess just told me how to spell that... my favorite Jewish person ever.. hehe... she sings me Hebrew songs and such)
oh and we are making a raunchy/dirty song cd... we have a good 30 songs so far... so we're gonna make it a collection... and you should leave a comment with the title and artist of your favorite dirty song so we can add it to our collection.