May 21, 2005 07:58
awww...yesterday was such a fun day.
my sister lookin so pretty for the prom...
me, lyss, jess n ro decided to jump on the trampolean n me n lyss crashed into eachother, my shoulder n her mouth...tht hurt so bad.
then we played some kanjam! ~ im gettin
we went down to brads to get the boys n they were practicin n they were rlly good, n i guess they r thinkin of a return of the janitors!! memeber from one of our many wonderful middle school dances? lol
but yeah so at the fire over the course of the nite it was me, jess, ro, lyssa, bryan, joe, pat t., toby, brad, adam, mike, brett? (i think thts his name), kramer, n pat m.
n brad broke the chair...tht was so funny, obviously cause he's so huge...
i hope mike feels better...aww he look so cute w/out his braces n he smiles so much more n bigger...i love it!
well last nite a certain someone ims me n asks me "r u a pothead?" im like wut r u talkin bout?
aww lyssa i love u! haha me n u r the "back up friends"...well im done being her back up friend, so im not gonna be anymore
i think thts its for now... *sarah*