Apr 27, 2005 10:02
happy birthday to u
happy birthday to u
happy birthday dear jodi
hapy birthday to u
i'll write about my day later...its to early n i haven't done anything yet today to write about, just wanted to say happy birthday to jodi! ~*~sarah~*~
GuEss iM dIfFeReNt ThEn ThE oLd Me, BuT U nEeD To AcCePt AnD TrY To SeE
ThAt JuSt BeCaUsE Im NoT LiKe BeFoRe, YoU dOnT hAvE To HaTe Me oR iGnOrE
So SrY iF iM dIfFeReNt, If Im AcTiN StRaNgE- BuT LiKe iT oR NoT, P.e.0.p.L.e C.h.A.n.G.e.
no one will understand why, but i like him...