(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 20:47

there really hasnt been anything really goin on latley besides the obvious..owrk school and wrestling and that is pretty much all i have time for anyway!umm what else oh yah i got my license which was long awaited and now all i have to do is save up to put a car on the road cause my daddy said that hes buying me a car:):):) he siad a kia or sumthing whcih isnt bad cause i could honestly care less what i get as long as it dont break down.
This weekend was a long weekend!:) firday ngiht there was a resltingmeet and after iwent to chis' and watched without a paddle saturday i went to an all day wrestling meet in hudson ma. it was long but it wasnt too bad anthony chris F. Larry Chris H. John G and Conor all placed first cause they are awesome.a few others placed too like nick perry gikas scola hoehn all placed in the top 4. Sunday night i went to the club with krista and on our way there we almost died probably the scariest thing ever we did a complete 180 and almost hit 2 trees and a telephone pole but the curb stopped us from slidding anymore.well im really not sure what else to write nothing great has happend so i guess theres is nothing much more to write about so im out Latass!
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