Getting Back into it

Sep 16, 2004 11:31

Acts 2:42
Marks of a healthy church
P- Priority One; Go to God first
R- Requires Discipline; like the Africans- beat a path in the brush/grass
A- Authentic; be real, pray like a child
Y- Yield to God; pray in faith of the Lord's will
E- Enjoy; joy
R- Response to God; word of God
~Activity is not a substitute for productivity.
~the light house keeper and the oil~
A light house keeper was given oil to keep the light burning so that ships could see where the land was and stay safe. But, when people would come ask him for some oil he would give it to them. To light a lantern, to oil a wheel, they all legitimate needs. One day the keeper realized that he was running low on oil. But still he lent to his neighbors in need, until finally the beacon light stopped burning. The officials came to him, "Why is the light in the light tower not burning? We gave you enough light to keep it going. Many ships have run aground and many lives have been lost because the light is not shining." This is like our Christ-walk. We must use the oil that Christ gives us to be a beacon for the world. We should not let the world drain us of all that Christ has given us.
~Better is one day in your courts, better is one day in your house, better is one day in your courts, than thousands elsewhere, than thousands elsewhere.

Jared spoke at Overtime. Then we went out to eat at McAlisters. Yay! That there is no school tomorrow. I could just rest after cleaning up and doing laundry rather than study study study. Encounter was good! After we went to Holy Walmart (the one with the crosses behind it). Lol. We first had buggy races down the aisles. It was almost more funny because the employees didn't even say anything...they just watched. And after that got dull we started up a nice game of hide and seek. o how i love walmart hide and seek, though note: Dont wear a skirt next time lol, any when you're hiding just stay still. Unless of course you're Marshall and you have to climb out of a piece of luggage and then back in. After three rounds of that we went over to Kendyl's and watched 'Fight Club'. It was very...action.

Ah how sweet it is to be able to sleep past 8:15am. I love Labor Day. It is the most random holiday. After blissful sleep, I drove home for the day. Yes I know my mom would have loved me to have come home on Friday night and stayed all weekend, but miss the game, church,and encounter? I think not. It was nice to be home for a bit though. I guess. My hamster now has a name--Tinkerbell. My dad loves her and my mom tolerates her, though she is learning to love her. She's not a big rodent person (my old bunny was rodent-like enough for her). Sometimes I wonder if I even have a roommate or if she is just a figment of my imagination (aww Figment is such a cute dragon-thing!), cause she's never here.

Yay! Geography is fun when I get to sit next to fun people like LauraB. Okay, no, not really. Nothing could make geography "fun", but it does make it more tolerable. History was fun though because he was talking about the Salem Witch Trials. Yeah I know I'm a dork, but I think that history can be fun. Ohh I still need to finish reading 'the Puritan Dilemma' for that class. oops! Science is definitely feeling like high school. We had homework, but it was laughable.
I rode Baron today. And yes I actually mean rode this time. Yay it felt good to be back up on a horse. I got caught in traffic though and missed getting to go out shopping (boo!). And when I went to go park there was a great spot in the Blake/McVoy/Laville lot...except there was this guy standing there. That was soooo rude. He was like "I am saving this spot for a friend. He's on the way right now." Well I'm here right now. You can't save spots for people. Grrrr. I thought about (for about point five seconds lol) just pulling and and seeing if he would move. But I didn't. I drove around and around and around looking for a spot. And every time I went through that lot he was still there (thats over a half an hour gggrrr). I ended up parking way out in the boonies.
I really don't like that they don't have any covered bike racks (or enough uncovered ones at that), oh well.
Really grr though because suddenly my roommate is alive and here and has loud friends over until into the morning. So much for studying or sleeping.

Hehe I'm really liking this math class. Today there were little foam colored squares out on the table (not that we actually used them for class). Sandy and I made pictures and domino setups with them. I felt like a kid but it was fun. Today was the student organization fair in Free Speech Alley. I sat at the CSC booth for a couple of hours.
I am going to take the Signing Class at LaSD. I had to go over there and pay though. And they wanted to check what level I was at. I get so nervous at stuff like that. Today I just worked on making Baron into the handsome guy that he is (clipping his face, pulling his mane, etc). Eeeek at [deaf] Bible study Bootsy made me reverse interpret for the Bible passages while one of the deaf people signed. It was hard at first but then it was fun. Bootsy, Liz, and I just sat and talked for a while again after class. Then I got on here to read and add some. I found Joey's entry from 9-7-04 and felt inspired to comment and write a song. Darned if it didn't take up all of my study time. Oops. Gotta love procrastination. So here it is: 'Hey, Fellow Christians' (To the tune of 'Hey Fighting Tigers' (which is to the Broadway tune of 'Hey, Look Me Over'))
Hey, all my brothers, join up and pray.
Hey, all my sisters, praise the Lord today.
You've got the know how,
you're doing fine.
Just give God a call if you're 'bout to fall,
He will keep you in line.
You've got to tell 'bout salvation
the God we adore!
Make the angel choir jump right up and soar.
Let light shine bright as your heart delights
and to the Lord be true
For He will get you through!
C-h-r-i-s-t! Christ!!!

I think I'm going to start bringing my computer to geography. I got a wireless card from the library today so I can use the internet. I just hate having to carry it around though. Daniel and David spoke at free lunch today. They did summer missions in China. Wow thats a ways to go. They talked about what a culture shock it was and how hard it was and scary it was to just be dependant on others for the first while. And not knowing anyone or how things work. Science class was fun today. We played with helicopters. YAY!!! Nikki got back from her vacation to yellowstone and today we started our study of 1 Corinthians. I am so excited! I hope that we can stay consistent and that God will really teach us and grow us through it.

Oh what a day what a day. Class was normal. I called my parents in the afternoon to chit chat. But when I went out to the barn this afternoon the adventure started. There is a gate up in the front that we keep closed to keep the horses in. So to get in you have to get out and unchain the gate, drive through, then close it behind you. Well, as usual, I jumped out to go open the gate, leaving my car door open behind me. The thought crossed my mind "gee it would really stink if I ever got locked out of my car here," which was a weird thought considering. As I came back to my car my door had closed (it was windy) not to mention somehow locked. Yup, my car was locked, running, blocking the gate, and running low on gas. I just about hit myself over the head for it. I usually leave my windows down when I'm going out to the barn, but naturally today I didn't. And my extra key is at home in Mandeville. Oh and did I mention that everything (ie my phone) is locked in my car? So I walked down to the barn (which I have never noticed what a long walk that is) and borrowed Lori's phone. After trying a few things my mom decided to just bring the extra key over, along with some gas. I gave Baron a bath and played with him some while waiting. I had to wear some of JoAnn's rubber boots with no socks (eeewww!) because my boots were also in the car with my socks. I think I will just leave my boots at the barn from now on. Amazingly, when my mom got there the car was still running. But we went up to go get gas anyway. As we were standing there(after pumping) I smelled gas. When I looked down under the car there was liquid (and not in the front). Dad had us drive over to Grandmother and Fa's so that Fa could look at it. It started pouring on the way over. So we had supper at their house. It had stopped leaking, so we decided since I needed the car for a parelli event tomorrow, that I would check it in the morning and as long as it hadn't leaked then I could go. Then after I would bring it by and we would get a mechanic to check it.
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