Continued again!

Sep 01, 2004 22:18

Well no free food at Overtime today, but as always there is Cafe Istrouma (gotta love that free food) in between services. Plus Pastor Stuart(I have no idea what his 'proper' title is) preached a lot on bread today. I really think I learn more by listening at both services (big surprise there eh?!). He was preaching on "Breaking Bread Together" and the two ways that it can be interpreted. It is so neat having a Jewish pastor because he knows the history and traditions of the new testament people. The first way it can be interpreted is that we are to eat together, which in those days it was actually a big deal to eat with a stranger (oh how times have changed). So by eating together they were putting that aside and treating their brothers and sisters in Christ as family. The second way is the 'traditional' Lord's supper interpretation, as a symbol that every time we eat (something we do a lot) that we remember what Jesus did for us. "Breaking bread" was actually an old jewish custom that after the priest cleaned his hands and walked no more than 33ft to the bread he would bless it and thank God for it then break off [the hard] pieces (roughly the size of an egg) and place it before each person for them to eat. There were all sorts of rules on which bread could be blessed (it could only be made of one of five different grains, which had an order of importance). But since Stuart is an equal opportunity offender he also told us about a rule in the Catholic church that says that the wafers used in communion must have wheat in them. The diocese of New Jersey currently has a dilemma because a little girl is allergic to wheat and cannot consume it. This all tied back into last week's sermon part about keeping the main thing the main thing which is Christ, not all the little man-made rules. Overtime was a "ministry fair" where we heard from different ministry leaders in the church and how they can use college students. Then joyful joyful! I got to do laundry, though at least this week the card swipe was working! Plus now I have a much cleaner room. Alvin came with us to encounter. While we were waiting for him Danny and I sung Be Our Guest, which I had stuck in my head from the Disney CD that I borrowed from Danny after we watched Hunchback of Notre Dame one evening (Friday or Saturday maybe). I had it playing all day while I cleaned so it figures it would get stuck. Yay! This week I sat up front so I could actually see the words during worship (unlike last week when I was behind some tall people). Troy taught out of 1 Corinthians 1. It was on divisions within the church. Though he said that we aren't really having a problem with conflict and divisions, I somewhat have to disagree. No not within CSC we are not having conflicts but within Christ's Church we are. There are so many denominations it makes my head spin. We are supposed to be one body, but I guess we are in that each denomination is a different part and plays a different function. I really liked how he brought in a lot of scripture references besides that which we were studying. It was Whitney's birthday and some of the girls brought her a cake and gift during supper. Birthdays are soo fun. I talked with Josh on the phone, but I don't know, I feel kind of distant. That makes me sad because he is such an awesome friend to have and I miss having him to talk to.

Humdrum humdrum classes go on. I did do well on the two math assignments that we have had so far though. We sat at class tables (freshman, sophomore, etc) today at B lunch. We had the same competition that we did last year, where different people have different tasks, like get water from the fountain or read the Catholic sign, and whichever table gets the most points gets M&Ms or something. Luckily, this year no one put their arm through the glass in the red room door. It was bath day for Baron today and man was he frisky after that. He is such a treat motivated horse though. Now if we can only get our send on the circle to the right everything would be peachy. Being at the barn is such a great release. Yay! I finally went grocery shopping so that I'm not a completely starving college student, though I didn't get much. But no more random late night bike trips to the gas station on State St. unless I really feel like it (instead of necessity). After I got back, I was taking a rest and managed to spill the water in my bottle under the bed (only my summer sippy [no spill] bottle for me from now on). I thought about leaving it until I got up from my nap, but of course, I had to be a conscientious little girl and go to clean it up. Well being the klutz that I am I knocked my glass lamp over (onto me), which broke all over my bed. After the glass-in-foot episode from last week, I'm a bit more weary of glass now. I don't have a vacuum and neither does Alyssa. I went to go see if my RA did but she was out of town. I was sooo about to cry. I realized that Danny probably had one, which he does, and so I was able to sleep in my bed without worrying about glass shards! note to self: bring little vacuum from home. Oh yeah...still feeling majorly homesick for Florida and the summer.

Wow first day of actual class in geography. I can't figure out how to save or print (other than 34 full sheets) his slide show, which is kind of a problem. I saw LauraB after class, outside, though I couldn't find her in class. I met Caroline in history class. She is a senior in Psychology/Elementary Education. Its nice to actually know the people around you in class. I had a yummy smoothie for lunch that I made with the handy groceries and cute blender. I met Erica, a Mass Comm freshman, in science today, which we got out of 40min early. Don't you love how I blend my sentences together? Supposedly, there was a fire in the Union just before class and everyone had to evacuate, alarm and all. I decided to pick up my pizza topping for Girls Night on the way over...mistake. I left in plenty of time but I managed to spend a half an hour trying to locate pineapples in Albertson's. Who would have thought that canned fruit would be on Beverage Boulevard? lol. There were only a few girls at Ann's when I managed to get there (only took turning around once and calling Ann once). From 5:30 till 8pm we chit chatted and made and ate pizza and cookies. We had all changed to go swimming by then, but we decided to to Bible study and Ann's testimony before swimming, so that girls that needed to go home early could. We went around the group and everyone introduced herself, then Ann shared her testimony, which was awesome! Some of the *cough*old girls*cough* talked about the CSC and what it has meant for them. Stephanie, Becky, Christina, Becca, Mary, BJ, Ana, Jess, Kendyl, Alicia, Jen, Samantha, Whitney, Sabrina, Christina, Stephanie, Megan, Jessica, Kaya, and of course Ann and I think I'm forgetting someone else (beside myself, of course) and I probably spelled half of those names wrong (I so want to spell it Stefanie not Stephanie). It was a good, though big, group of girls. About half of us went down to the pool until they kicked us out. I don't think I left until midnight or 12:30ish. oops! though it Was really nice to be around a group of caring, loving Christians. Alyssa asked me what the difference between a Catholic and a Christian is. I think she was raised Catholic until Confirmation when she left.

hey maybe by tomorrow i will be all caught up!
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