Bad Year

Oct 03, 2009 00:21

Joe's dad died of cancer today.

We are quickly approaching a year since dad died, and as it draws closer it is harder to face.

When did I turn 45? I thought I was at the age where all of my friends are getting married and having babies...not having their families drop like flies.

August 27, 2007....Madeline Viarengo Sabo

January 28, 2008....Mae Todd Frye

November 16, 2008....David Andrew Sabo

July 17, 2009....Andrew John Sabo

I am lucky to have had my grandparents for as long as I did. I can accept their passing.

My father, I cannot. I will recognize how very, extremely lucky I was to have him. I am so blessed I had him as long as I did.

I feel for Joe. It hasn't hit him yet. It will. And when he feels like the world should have stopped turning, I'll be here to welcome him onto this insane merry-go-round.
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