Sad Again

Mar 15, 2004 13:42

well today was going really really really well......then something pissed me off sooooo much!!!!!!!! a friend of mine has a net gf that lives in nebraska and he lives in ohio. ya know thats fine with me but then she tells him that she doenst want him talking to me anymore!!!!!!!! so he just ignores me completely!!!! doenst block me or anything....jsut ignore me when i send him messages!!! friggin' whipped!!!! i mean come on!! he promised me he would never let her come between our friendship. i mean i could understand a real gf...but a net one?! come the fuck on!!! god!!! i have been crying for like ever im so upset. one good thing is that kaneale and i are getting closer again and im sooo happy for that. i love her so much. like my little sister and if anything ever happened to me or her or anything i would just die. honestly. i love her so much and im so lucky to have her. and im also lucky to have friends like tyler m., brittany f., jessie swinderman, katie l., kyle s., tyler d., ashley d., shannon r., dayne, jeremy h., brenden k., allison v. karla d,steven s.,kristine b, k.c. e., kate f., sorry if i missed anyone but i just couldnt think of anymore at the moment. they all care about me so much and i dunno what i would do without em. i love you guys so much and thanks for always being there for me. i know i can always depend on u guys! well i better get off here and try to calm down a little and sleep.....

~Lotsa love~
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