Dec 16, 2004 12:05
So things are starting to look better. and i like that. :-) christmas is in 9 days... and i might be going to the movies this weekend with michael? hopefully.... I see couples everyday together, and it kinda sucks to know they get to hang out all day and see each other everyday, i mean i wish i could see him a little more than every other weekend or something like that*.... i duno i stress over things too much and .yeah, im excited for christmas break. YAY! exciting. so yesterday we play at the promenade. for handbells and it was fun then drove marge home. then back home where i watched mad amounts of music videos :-) cause i have no life. what else is new? umm nothing to much i have to make brownies tonight. for english tommorow. i have to go to the mall with brittany to get some stuff.... a present for michael :-)... ummm i duno what else i wanted to get something for me... OH YEAH secret santa..... some one has been really annoying latel saying shit about my b.f and she doesnt even know him ... and we arent together now... but i mean it pissed me off more than anything . u have no right to talk... ur bf is ugly as shit uhhh i duno... I think im either goo home early tommorow or come in late... i duno. im really hungary but i cant eat anything cause damn the lactose intolerant*.... i duno im done i have no more to say. all but i love you, and i miss you*