Sep 23, 2005 16:42
Yes I forgot to update in livejournal. And since everyone today was talking about livejournal, I said to myself," Maybe I could update that." Wow I talk to myself. So school has started, have a killer schedule(not in a good way) and it already seems like this year is going to be filled with those wonderful, fun, and awkward events we always have. Really thats all I have to say since its been awhile since I have updated. Bring you facts soon.
Some of the already wonderful/fun/awkward events:
-Jimmy has cooties
-Me frantically waving my arms and yelling, "They are touching me"
-When Tony suggested watching a girl swim because what else would he look at. (Mine and Sami's vote still overcomes his)
-Nessy and Stephen's conflict about her...possesions.
-Me, G, and Stephen all getting soaked by a skull bucket. Go water!
-For today: OMG, Melanie, everyone knows. (aka Jason and Brit)