01. who are you, what's our relationship: i am danielle, your favorite asian, and i'm one of your gal pals.
02. how and where did we meet: we met last year, through our great victoria!
03. what's my middle name: lee!
04. how long have you known me: a year! but it seems liek forever!
05. tell me one good thing about myself: you're always happy and giddy, you make me in a good mood even when im not :D
06. when you first saw me, what was your impression: there's two!
07. what's one of my favorite things to do: sleep! and play sims!
08. have you ever had a crush on me:of course, how can i not?!
09. do you remember one of the first things i said to you: hi, i love orange?
10. describe me in 3 words: lovable, cheerful, enthusiastic
11. name something i love: danny!
12. how would you describe me to someone: one of the cutest girls ever!
13. would you ever date me: maybe if i ever turned into a boy, or something? lol jk
14. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: that you have something special about you, you glow.
15. what do you like most about me: you're a cheer-er-upper
16. if we could spend a day together, what would we do: drive around your town for a few minutes, thats all it takes...haha and then sleep!
17. have we ever gotten in a fight: probably, but for something stupid most likely
18. do you think we will be friends for a long time: of course, all of my girlies...how could we not be?
19. give me a nickname. why did you pick it: i have no clue! im sorry :(
20. what do you think my weaknesses are: maybe caring too much? you need to think of yourself sometimes!
21. what reminds you of me: orange, pharmacy, sims, cute lil guys haha
22. do you think our friendship is getting stonger/weaker or staying the same: the same!
23. do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen: yes...unless a little puppy comes by lol
24. are you going to put this on your journal and see what i say about you: eh maybe!
25. what song (if any) reminds you of me: if you steal my sunshine?
26. if you could change one thing about me, what would it be: your fingernails, they should always be painted that great red color that only looks good on you!
02. how and where did we meet: we met last year, through our great victoria!
03. what's my middle name: lee!
04. how long have you known me: a year! but it seems liek forever!
05. tell me one good thing about myself: you're always happy and giddy, you make me in a good mood even when im not :D
06. when you first saw me, what was your impression: there's two!
07. what's one of my favorite things to do: sleep! and play sims!
08. have you ever had a crush on me:of course, how can i not?!
09. do you remember one of the first things i said to you: hi, i love orange?
10. describe me in 3 words: lovable, cheerful, enthusiastic
11. name something i love: danny!
12. how would you describe me to someone: one of the cutest girls ever!
13. would you ever date me: maybe if i ever turned into a boy, or something? lol jk
14. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: that you have something special about you, you glow.
15. what do you like most about me: you're a cheer-er-upper
16. if we could spend a day together, what would we do: drive around your town for a few minutes, thats all it takes...haha and then sleep!
17. have we ever gotten in a fight: probably, but for something stupid most likely
18. do you think we will be friends for a long time: of course, all of my girlies...how could we not be?
19. give me a nickname. why did you pick it: i have no clue! im sorry
20. what do you think my weaknesses are: maybe caring too much? you need to think of yourself sometimes!
21. what reminds you of me: orange, pharmacy, sims, cute lil guys haha
22. do you think our friendship is getting stonger/weaker or staying the same: the same!
23. do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen: yes...unless a little puppy comes by lol
24. are you going to put this on your journal and see what i say about you: eh maybe!
25. what song (if any) reminds you of me: if you steal my sunshine?
26. if you could change one thing about me, what would it be: your fingernails, they should always be painted that great red color that only looks good on you!
27. do you trust me: with my life!
<3 Danielle
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