Aug 23, 2004 10:29
howday. i finally just got cleared this morning for soccer tryouts. woohooooooo0
yesterday i went to mcclaffs hizousee :) it was mucho0 fun.. i must have said "no tickles" about 8,000 times lmfao. we went to her neighbors bbquizzle thing which was fun and we got to swim in their pool! there was an unfriendly hott kid there haha. but it was coooool. anddd then we spent a really long time trying to balance on basketballs..of course mcclaffs can do it but can masci? hah. well nicole found "my center" and i was able to do it for about 3 seconds. :D lmao... then we contemplated having a circus on her front lawn but we didnt...i think we'd make money thouhg right? o' courseeeeee! nicole thanks for the bday present i heart it sooo muchly <3
lmao good times... the 3 thirds neeed to have a reunion soon or i might have a meltdown. seriously guys.. what the balls i miss our hysterical momentums...
ok so today im doing basically nothing..relaxing and doing homework. i think thats a oxymoron thing but yeah vateva. relaxing and doing homework how sad is that?yeahh ok and laterrrr is the first day of soccer booster camp. im nervous for that. but afterwards.. im sleeping over RPOOS house!! yayyyy and her mom is making penne alla vodkaaa haha i heart that.. my favorite food! lmao then tomoro im just gunna hang out with rpoo til the next day of booster camp... a day with rpoo should be interestin just like all the others lmao but i just love it. <3
haha ok im bouncing out like tiggeriffically. ciaooooo! hearts