Feb 11, 2007 20:27
Mmm! I heart quesadillas!! :D
So its finally starting to get consistantly warmer outside, which makes for a reallie happy me. I decided that i think i have some sort of malfunction now with my body, because i am constantly freezing! Even indoors, im not content unless im reallie warm, and that means either covered with a blanket or having some sort of hot air blowing directly on me. My favorite place is like me in my car with the heater blasting. So im pretty sure that im cold blooded, and it sucks... All i want is to be normal!!!! GOSH! Its so unfair i tell ya!
Oh! Also, i am suffering from a serious case of gluttony here. Ive been such a chocolate craving monster lately! I basically pigged out on three chocolate bars today, all in one sitting and now i feel like butt. No reallie. Like butt. I dunno whose, but definitly butt.
Jeff arrives in four days! ITs been like over a monthhh, purely torture.