Aug 28, 2006 14:10
So a little update from me. I moved back home, though this weekend a last minute house sitting job came up. by the time i am done i should have made all the money it cost me to get my laptop :) go me! anywho things are alright i guess. amber and i have become really good friends. its weird, on the weekends if we dont hang out we are like what now. this weekend she had plans saturday and i never invite myself as she doesnt to my things but often we ask the other to come. well it was with her sister and so i didnt and i guess they ended up not oging. then sunday i had the indians game and then i was to go out to dinner with some friends. later when i stopped by she is like iwas so lonely and i was like i should call... wait robyn is the only one i would c`all and she isnt home. i felt special. but it is true i mean we both have some ppl we could call and hang with but we just dont really want too. school starts tomorrow and im nervous as all hell. i hope i do good and i hope i do it right the first time this time. it is starting to register what tomorrow is. lucky me i can sleep all day long without worry. i dont have to be up and moving until liek 330!! yay for night classes and not having to work on the days i have class. well yeah nothing else really new. carla cant handle that i have friends, but it happens. im dealing with it by avoiding her. i just dont need that stress/tention right now i have enough things that can be going on.
and the realization this weekend i miss my gay boys!!! i miss my boyfriends like davey and jeremy. its hard because now i am 'straight' and i just cant be cuddly close with girls and well boys that i am friends with ya not so much. i miss them *sniffles* anywho i am off i am at work and i should go look like i am doing something productive.