Dec 18, 2004 09:49
ok i was so happy jus bout all day yesterday till i called a friend n asked if he was cumN he said no ok then o well rite but u would think ur brother would go rite....? well i bought daniel a ticket to cum see me in my choir show last nite (theres another 2nite) and i called him up and asked r u cumN i have ur ticket...he asks in the background are u guys gunno go they say no whoever is there and then he gets back on the phone n says no i dunt wanna go i was like ok then bye...then i thought since i hung up on him so abruptly he would cum so i did such a kick ass job i worked so freakN hard and i didnt see him no where in the audience so i was like O ok then and then i texted 2 see if he was ever gunna get me and i waited...then i see Zack in the car along with Dolfo and Blair so i wanted to hang with them cz honestly i missed Zack...hes daniels and dolfos friend but i met him a while back and he has been in Iraq 4 a long long time so yha. Ne how so i started to get mad and i blew up...he wanted 2 take me home rite i called home cz i told my parents i wasnt gunna b home till at least 12 cz i was gunna go out 2 dinner and she says as long as ur with daniel i said ok i told him that he didnt care so i was liek ok then bye dolfo and Zack and as soon as we start goN i couldnt help it the tears came rollN down and its not that i was pissed its jus this...Daniel has never came 2 my shows ever once but he was filmN not actualE enjoyN himself u kno so yha but im down my parents are cumN 2nite but whatever so why bother ne way they probably wont show up jus like daniel even tho i paid already so yha ok im off now cz the tears wont stop im so drained and jus time im jus not gunna ask ne of my family 2 cum so i dunt exspect ne thing or ne one so yha.