Stalin's bad day..

Feb 03, 2010 10:20

Make that week... poor kitty did something to hurt his leg last week. Possibly Sveta related, he's been in fully avoidy mode since she got here, but we started noticing that when he did dain to come out of the bedroom his back legs were very stiff and he seemed to be favouring one. He was moving around the house like a grumpy old man, so I took him in for a check-up and vet said he probably just tweeked it jumping on/off something. They gave him some medicine for three days which had him feeling better, but he had a previously scheduled dental visit on Monday which was more joy.

He hasn't had a dental visit before so I was concerned about his teeth and sure enough he had some cavities that needed removal. Not too bad, but as he was taking the pain reliever for his leg last week, they didn't want to give it to him much this week as it can damage the kidneys, especially for an older cat.

When we brought him home Monday and let him out on the bed, he was in no mood to "sleep it off", only his legs weren't working yet so he landed face first on the floor and scrabbled around like a mad mad (wouldn't let us get near him) hurling himself at the side of the bed until he gained enough momentum to somehow push his way back up despite his lack of leg strength. Poor guy.

So he's been healing up - his leg seems to be fine at this point but his mouth is sore and on top of all that he has antibiotics twice a day which he is not pleased about. And I'm pretty sure he blames Sveta for this entire ordeal, he keeps giving her murder eyes.
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