Feb 14, 2005 19:13
Damn the man, V-Day is the devil . . . blechhhh. The only substantial/healthy thing I've eaten all day was a yogurt & nectarine, & that wasn't even until 5 pm.
Bob Evans (w/ my girlies amanda & lauren!):
"Stuffed" French Toast (aka french toast smothered w/ cream-cheesy stuff, apple topping, & whipped cream)
Hot Fudge Sundae Cake
Pilsbury Cookies (the best in the world, & they were nice & soft too!)
Donut holes
Crackers & cheese
Ice cream
(all that times 9282734287)
omg I think my stomach is gonna blow upppp, either that or I'm go into like diabetic shock or something. ahhh but it was alll soooo good.
Yay for valentine's from my kiddies ; )
And yay for V-Day text messaging : ) Esp. from my kelly, RJ, & meg before I even got to work ; )
Heard "I can See clearly now" on the radio today : ) That made me happy.
Uhmmm that's all. My mom wanted to know what I wanted for dinner. I told her I wasn't eating . . . perhaps I shoulda just said more junk, cause that's what's about to happen ; ) hehehe . . .
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope ur day has been as good & fat as mine ; ) I love you all!
Side note--No one has staked a claim on being my Valentine yet . . . offer's still out on the table ; )