Aug 16, 2005 15:13
where did my summer go? it's honestly mind-boggling that i'm only in PA for one more week. surprisingly, it's been an interesting 2 months.
i thought i'd sit around my house for most of the summer. i had no intention of being social and, in fact, i planned on resisting it. however, cory kind of ruined that plan. little did i know what that coincidental meeting in kirby park on the 4th of july would lead to. all good things: a reason to not sit at my house all the time, a whole new group of friends, a boyfriend, and lots of good summer memories (jazz cafe, josh's house, warped tour, and mini golfing to name a few).
it's also been amazing to see my girls again. i really like that even though i didn't talk to them much all year, i can come home and pick up right where we left off. it was especially cool when jaimie was in for a week just because i never see her. campouts, skinny dipping, halter tops, giant's despair, running......good, good times.
this summer has also made me realize that i am far from having myself figured out. bless all of you for putting up with my constant moral dilemmas and inconsistent lifestyle. sometimes i think i know exactly what i believe, but other times the questions and doubts run rampant. i can only explain it as having a mormon, religious heart paired with a liberal, free-spirited mind. obviously these two things tend to contradict quite often. but hey, i am only 19 and in no rush to be grown up. i'm pretty sure things will eventually just work out how they're supposed to.
this week is going to be crazy busy. i need to pack, work overtime, and somehow balance the remaining time between family, friends, and boy. wish me luck;)