Feb 17, 2009 19:35
So this quote pretty much describes my life right now.
"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." -"The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
That is a totally awesome book by the way.
I suppose I should update my life for anyone who's listening....I know I mostly just post poetry and the odd fic or two, but I'm trying to change that lol...I originally got this to act as a journal, since I figured it'd be easier than trying to write in a paper journal...(haha)
I am in my last semester of college and it's crazy right now....I'm totally not ready to be an adult and be fully responsible for my on life...I don't know where I want to go, who I want to be....or anything really. =/
Everyone around me is so happy and so involved with each other...and...I don't know, I just feel rather disconnected from everything...not all the time though, just sometimes it hits me and I feel like a can't breathe from the weight of it all. I guess I just feel like my friends are all growing closer together and I'm getting left behind....I don't like it, but at the same time I don't know what to do about it. My roommates both just got boyfriends
My birthday is Friday, and I'm not really even looking forward to it...it should be a happy day, but I just can't seem to get into it...my friends all want to go to the bar on thursday to celebrate my birthday, and my other friend's birthday (which is on weds)...but I can't really say that I want to go....it's not really my scene. I don't enjoy drinking that much and big loud drunken crowds bother me.
I just want to do something fun and quiet, but I don't feel like I can say anything. I get teased enough for not wanting to drink....but it's a personal choice. (I'm a control freak what can I say.) I almost just want to get out of here and do something...go somewhere...just drive around and take in the sights or something....
I'm tired of being tired...if that makes any sense...and I'm sick of feeling so outside of everything...I don't really know what to do... *headdesk* Maybe it's just the post-valentine's day blues or something...
till next time....
life update