An Ancient Youth

Dec 04, 2008 18:39

They look down on me because they say I am young
But I do not feel young
For isn’t it said that the young are inexperienced?
And I can say that I have experienced much
I have lived through war and peace
I have lived through flames and ice
I have lived through sorrow and joy
Love and loss…
So how can they say I am young?
When I have seen so much
But oh, how I wish I were still young
To be able to feel
Careless joy and abandon
Freedom to love without restraint
I wish my wings were unfettered so I could soar again
Now they look to me because they say I am young
That the young are the hope for the future
But I do not feel young
So where is the hope that they believe in?
For it is not with me…


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