Yes, I'm still alive....mostly

Dec 04, 2008 18:17

Well, I'm almost done my student teaching, so maybe I'll have a little more time to get back to the things I love to do....well besides teaching lol...aka writing fanfics for my favorite fandoms. I'm actually kind of excited about my internship this January =] I get to write a book, since my education internships are all finished...(yay!)

Flu season has hit me and my roommates pretty hard. I've got one down for the count, and even though I've gotten my flu shot for the season...I've had some rather flu like symptoms....ones that have caused me to want so stare up at the sky and yell.....Really flu?!REALLY?!?! *sigh* but in any case I am mostly alive...if somewhat tired still.

Now back to the real reason why I'm posting, I've got a lot of poetry piling up on my hard drive, so I'm going to post a bunch of it here, just to see what people think =]

life update

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