It's a repeat of yesterday. We started off by visiting Waeseda University. It's one of the most prestigious schools in all of Japan. We did not interact with the students there, but we were given a tour of the campus. The campus buildings had a very European feel to them.
We ate lunch on the campus and then we made our way to our next stop, the Ghibili Studios museum. Ghibili Studios makes all the Miyazaki films. It was exciting to see all the signs along the road leading to the museum. It's like you are entering some enchanted forest or something. I was expecting a Spirited Away type world. We knew we were there when we saw the giant Totoro. The museum is reservation only and there are NO pictures allowed. Which stinks because their were so many amazing exhibits. The exhibits were geared more to little kids, but there were still more educational material that adults would be interested in. The museum is made up of 3 levels. The first level showcases the mechanics behind the films. It had many figures made for studies as well as machines that show different ways animations can be made. It also had a special film room. We were allowed to watch 1 film. It was random so we did not know which short film we would see. We saw one about a harpy, a humanistic egg girl, and a bread man. XD No talking, but it was great none the less. The second floor has more elements about the creative process behind the making of the films including sketch studies and observational studies to make the films more realistic. The third level has the gift shop and a play area for little kids. The gift shop was a mad house when went in. There wasn't really anything I was interested in so I did not buy anything. It was nice, but I would spend less time there. Nini enjoyed the sketch studies while I enjoyed the mechanics instead. We may both be art majors, but our views on art do differ.
We were released after the museum so Nini and I decided to go back to Akihabara. This time, I was determined to find the Gamers store as well as Mandarake (a doujinshi shop Shigeru_gal recommended). Gamers was not hard to find, but once I did find it, it was like a flag went off. I have been waiting to visit the real Gamers store ever since I was little and got into Di Gi Charat. I met one of my life goals! I am so happy! Gamers was decorated with many Di Gi Charat icons everywhere. I would have loved to have bought some Di Gi Charat stuff, but sadly they didn't have any. It was only for people with point cards. I did buy some unique anime snacks though. At least I left with something. Mandarake was harder to find. I did have a map, but it was not along the main road. Nini actually found it by pointing out another store, in which I saw the sign. I was finally able to buy doujinshi in Japan. They are so cheap there too. They are only $3-6 a piece. ^0^ Now that's a deal! Mandarake also sells rare figures even some from UFO Catchers. I bought Miku and Rin UFO Catcher figures that go with my Len and Luka figures. We didn't have much time to wander around again in Akihabara since it was late. So we ate McDonald's for dinner since all the other places were filled with business men. While leaving Akihabara, we saw the Gundam Cafe. I don't like Gundams, but I wanted to visit a unique cafe so Nini and I made a promise that we'd eat there another day.
Waeseda U.
This Miku poster was inside the school hall ways. I can only read the first half of it.
Inside the clock tower.
I had curry for lunch again! ^w^
This car on the train is a women's only car only during certain hours to prevent impolite men from harassing women.
Giant Totoro plush!
Black soot creatures.
Advertising for Valentine's Day is already under way.
Gamers! Love you Dejiko!
Gamers is located right next to Akihabara station.
"Card and Game."
Giant Plushies.
Each KFC in Japan has the Mr. Sanders outside. Looks like he wants to touch you.
We WILL eat there.
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