sandman brushes... because i'm not in the slightest bit obsessed, oh no ;)

Mar 26, 2005 19:45

hello folks! :)

i'm in the process of very (very) slowly making another sandman icon post & when i was cropping one of the scans noticed that the background might make for nice brushes. SO i give you the first of what will hopefully be 3 sets- it has texture, grunge and pattern brushes. 24 in total, all 100x100 & made in psp8 (image pack included). there'll be a borders/dividers set & a decoration set to follow. if i can be arsed. which is slightly debatable as my laptop crashed last night & took all the borders + decoration brushes i'd made with it :-/ (yes i know i should've been saving as i was going along).

humm so anyway, full preview & downloads behind the cut. hope you like!

small preview:

:: download for psp8 :: image pack ::

[note: to download files from deviantart click the downward pointing arrow just below the preview (third from the left) and save as.]

if taking: comment, credit & all that jazz :)
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