Geof and I almost died!!!

Nov 17, 2005 22:05

On Tuesday, I got off of work at 2. All day I heard that this crazy storm was coming our way and it was suppose to get bad. I never watch the news so I didn't think anything of it. Everyone at work was saying it was going to hit between 1 and 4. So when Geof picked me up ,we got something to eat and headed to Wal-mart. When we were leaving, Geof's step mom called and said not to drive to Erin b/c of the storm and to just stay in Clarksville in a building until the storm ended. Once again, I thought she was just over reacting and we started heading home. IT was 4:30 and the doplar bulletin came on in the truck saying that a tornado warning was in effect for Erin and every county in between Erin and Clarksville. IT also said that it was to hit Clarksville at 4:45. SO we turn onto the highway to go to Erin and realized that we are about to drive into this mess. There are two different ways to get home from CLarksville. You can take 13 or 149. We always drive 149 but that day the sky looked a lot better then the way 149 did. We decided to go 149 b/c I was scared it was going to get bad and the roads on 13 are curvy. So we stopped at this grocery store and sat in the parking lot looking at this crazy ass storm coming our way. t here was crazy lightning and it was just this massive thing coming! We see other people going down that way and decide to just go ahead and chance it. As soon as we turn left to get back on the highway, it starts pouring. Geof is driving and he decides to pull over about half a mile down b/c we just couldn't see anything. I was pretty scared at this point. I didn't know what was going to happen. He turns the truck around and we head back to the grocery store. We parked and tried to make our way to the front door. The rain was coming down at a 90 degree angle and the wind was picking up dramatically. As soon as we stepped into that grocery store, people were running to the back and the manager told us to go to the back of the store. He said a tornado touched down somewhere close and we needed to stay away from the windows. There were kids crying and this little boy had this little dog that would not stop barking. I was freaking out b/c I didn't know what was going to happen. t his lady was saying that some kids got taken up in a mobel home on highway 13 and were missing and that is why she was at the grocery store b/c it was the closest shelter she could find or something like that! I was sooo scared. My adrenalin was pumping and I felt more like I was going to throw up as the minutes passed. Finally, the rain calmed down a bit and people started to leave. We decided to go and try to make it home. As we were driving, it started pouring hard again and when this big lightning bolt lit the sky, I saw the biggest deer just hanging out near the highway. It was weird. I just wanted to get home and we could barely see anything. I kept calling Amy to see if they were alright at home and she finally answered after we were halfway home. SHe said the power went out and she was looking for a phone that would work. So the whole way home, Geof drove and I tried my hardest to look for tornadoes. I was soo scared. WHen we finally made it home, we didn't have power for 4 hours. Geof and i fell asleep around 7is h and just slept till about 11 pm. There was nothing else to do! That had to be the scariest time I have ever been through in bad weather.

Geof bought me this drum set for a three year old ! ha!! It is a start! I was very surprised! I cant wait for thanksgiving! My mom is suppose to come here ! woohoo!!!

I keep having these crazy ass dreams. The other night I dreamed that I was being chased by the living dead and they were trying to eat me. My guardian was in my dream and we were trying to find a safe place to hide. We decided to hide in the sewers and were trying to get the people who thought of that idea first let us in but the dead were right behind us. .....

( See for the longest time I have had the same dream about the living dead chasing me over and over again, just different situations, different locations. I am always being chased and I am always trying to survive. Sometimes they are graphic and I am literally killing them with knives and I can feel the blade go into these things and I kill em. I chop off there heads and run em over. Sometimes I am climbing and trying to find ways to get into the attic so they cant get me. I do whatever I can to survive and protect whoever is with me in my dream. Normally, I run until I am about to get caught and right when they are about to attack me and and kill me, i wake up and and am soo scared when I wake up. Lately, I have been standing up to these things )

In this dream, they are right on us and I tell myself " this is it, I am going to die" and I give up. When I do this vampire appears and she tells me she can give us a choice. I can either die a horrible death and become the living dead or she can make me one of her. Rodney, my guardian, decides to die a horrible death b/c he would rather go to heaven they be a vampire and I decided to become a vampire. SHe kisses me and i felt her lips like they were real! They were soft and they she bit me. When she was done , she tells me to follow her and I automatically shield myself like the living dead is going to attack me still and she tells me they wont hurt me. We start walking and this big dead guy grabs my arm. I freak out and the vampire whispers something in his ear and he lets me go. SHe said they are confused by us and since I was a fresh vampire, he really got confused. My hair changed to jet black and it went into crazy ringlets and half was mounted on my head. Then I woke up! That was a weird weird dream!!!!!
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