Apr 02, 2006 19:24
Ugh.. so so much for me being stubborn and cheap.. i'm bout to go to tha Er.. my mom and i put two and four together and we think im anemic.my fingernails are pale, my eye beds are pale and i almost fainted for the 1st time in like i dunno eva on friday. and this is tha second month in a row of me etting sick right after my period..we shall see though.ugh i dont even care about being anemic i just want to get rid of this asthema w/o a ridiculous bill.. oh lawd please dont let me get admitted.i got shit to do..
Soo whose down for giving me the play by play on grey's anatomy tonight? dont front i know im not tha only addict!!!
Oh and I.L.M. i'll text you lata on tonight :oP Dont worry bout me i'll be 100% before you can say something really long 5 times fast
Edit: im not anemic.. nor do i have pnemonia.. well at least they dont think so.. but at tha same time i had 3 breathing treatments and it did absolutly no good.. but then they gave me some oxygen and i was feeling much better.. but they wont give me an oxygen perscription.. *scratches head* wait so they wont give me air.. but they're gonna give me steroids? oh doctors *sigh* so basically i have to wait it out.. and i prolly wont be going anywhere this week which woundtly be so bad if i didnt have 3 tests