(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 09:32

The universe does not want me to have my free $25.  Ugh.

I got an email coupon from CVS for a $25 gift card with a transferred prescription.  Perfect!  I was about to need some refills.  I also had a $10 coupon from Target for a new or transferred scrip.  When I went to the doc for my sinus infection, I had her send in scrips for all of my supplies, even though I didn't need all of it right then.  So, I had Lantus and syringes on hold at Meijer.

I had my Lantus transferred to Target, since it was technically new, so I could very definitely use my coupon.  No problem there!  I had my Humalog transferred to CVS, since I had already filled it before and it would definitely be a refill.  But, there's a problem.  No refills.  WTF?  I had only filled it once.  My idiot PA had given me no refills on my most used drug.  And, she had very clearly told me to come back in 3 months, so it's not like she wrote me a scrip and wanted me to come back.  Everything else had 5 refills on it.  So, I had the pharmacy at Meijer request a refill and just had it filled there.  Attempt number one at using the coupon had failed.

A week later, I'm almost out of syringes, so I decide I will try and use my coupon again.  I get the scrip transferred to CVS, but there's a problem.  My idiot PA wrote me for 30 syringes.  That's one per day.  Now, ok, I admit I reuse syringes.  However, no doctor has EVER written a scrip with that in mind.  And, as me and my doctor had been talking about ways for me to save money with my scrips, why the hell would she write me for that???  I walked away without my syringes and a second unsuccessful attempt at using my damn coupon.

Finally, my syringe scrip is corrected, but one of the nurses at the office obviously did not fully read my request and sent it back to Meijer.  Doesn't surprise me much because this woman was the retard that continually fucks up the patient assistance program drugs.  So I go to CVS yesterday and have them transfer it over.  At this point, I have an extra two coupons that are good for new or transferred scrips, courtesy of my mom.  I went back this morning to pick up my syringes, looks like I have the correct amount or syringes and the pharm tech was about to do my transaction and... NO FUCKING GIFT CARDS.  I'm told they are transferring some from another store this afternoon and they will call me when they get them.  At this point, I'm not really upset.  In fact, I'm about to bust out laughing because some force somewhere wants to punish me for pharmacy-hopping.  I'm pretty broke and not really working and I want my free money dammit!

Thankfully the CVS is close enough to be in walking distance, so I don't care too much about going back.  In fact, if I go pretty much anywhere, I have to pass right by it, so it's never really a trip to go.

But really universe?  WTF?
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