(no subject)

Jun 24, 2006 14:37

As some of you know my dad as been acting like an lately and me and lauren are tired of it.

I went to Jersey and didnt see my grandmother, not my fault. This is the letter he sent me and lauren and then she sent the letter below in return. I dont think we will be talking for awhile?

Lauren & Tyler
I think it goes with out saying that I was quite disappointed when I found out that not only did you not attempt to see your grandmother when you were in NJ, but you didn't even attempt to call her! You can give me all the excuses you want about the "reason you were there" I don't really care. I asked to you to see her and what I got was a big ZERO from both of you. Tyler, asked you to call me when you got to NJ. Didn't happen! Then neither of you could even bother to pick up the phone and let me know you were back in Florida and needless to say no one bothered to ask if I was coming over to see you for father's day. Guess that was real important to you too? You called at 5:45 in the evening. Day was already over!!! So if this is the kind of love, respect & support I can get from the two of you. Then this is what you can expect from me in return.

Love Dad


You really want to do this? You reaaaally want to talk about it? Ok then lets talk about it. First let me go on saying, that yes we called you for Fathers day. It was late. But guess what, I was celebrating my grandfather, the one who has put a roof over my head, shoved money at me when he had none...oh yeah and supported my mother and I went you decided that you didnt want to be around anymore. If you really wanted to come over for Fathers day YOU would have called and said that you wanted to. NO, you were probably too busy with your new family and children. Im sure they did something splendid for you. So for you to bitch about that and the time we called is childish. I didnt see Grandma. Right. What happened to Uncle Brian calling and finding somewhere to meet. I dont give two shits if you dont want to hear excuses. We get excuses about why I cant get a phone call on my birthday. did what I went up there to do. You didnt pay for it, pop did. I had no time and whether that makes you mad or not, I dont care. Dont you dare think that for 2 seconds a DAD means coming over every 2 weeks and sending child support. Its not. Yes you have sent money and such. Just remember that I know what you make and I know that as of now you living with your girlfriend, and im sure shes not making you pay rent. But that is none of my business seeing as how my life doesnt intervene with yours as of about 8 years ago. I never yelled at you about it taking you three months to get one paper noterized when you have one in your freaking building. Nore did I freak out like I wanted to when I figured out, that because of you and your lack of time or effort, I now have nowhere to live. I cant live with my roomates. Lets also talk about how I am the only one getting money for school. You dont want to pay, but I have to do the work to get this freaking loan that isnt working for me. Im being evicted. I called you and you dont even have the balls to pick up the phone and do this. No wonder you ran out 8 years ago and still have not apologized to my mother and given her a reason why. She cant move on until you do and you know that. But you dont care because you threw it off on my grandparents, the ones I do see because they care. So if youd like to grow up and stop pouting about the relationships you have messed up, you can be a big boy and call me.

I did write something but i wasnt going to write huge thing so this is what i said...

Dear dad
The letter lauren wrote which hopefully you've read by now, ditto times 10
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