Jun 14, 2004 16:33
we offically have no more classes till next year...hellz yes!
last nite was pretty cool..i waited for chris to get home since he said hed b home by the latest at 8...so he didnt get home till 9 *roar*...but i was still excited, i missed that kid like kuhrayzee!!!!..ahha we went for a walk...n my watch deifantly likes to work backwards..we checked nit was 10:10...so then we checked again like 10 mins later n it was 9:55? ni was like wtf?! so we thought we read it wrong..then dad came out to drive chris home n he was liek its 10:40 n we were like...oh shit!...so my watch deifantly licks...sorry babe didnt mean to get u in trouble!...on a side note...still havent talked to the reason i was mad...but w/e
todya was mint...me n trish went to macdonalds for lunch...haha we hadda wait till breakfast was over lol we were just chillin there waiting for it to change...n in that time trish told me a story she heard about macdonalds chicken nuggets....enuff said i aint eatin them till i forget the story.....haha...then we wanted ice cream so we stopped at dairy queen but we ended up gettin the mystery misty slush...it was good...cept the stupid lady jixed us, she was like "i hope u guyz dont get the same color" so of course we did...lol but the whole spoon straw thing was wikkid i found it terribly amsuin as did trish...haha good times..so then we got to skool n walked around..its so weird walkin thru the skool n havin it deadly quiet with onli like...50 ppl or less in it...oh man it was creepy! n then we saw chris n josh n marie n stef n jess...so we were all chillin for a while..haha mine n trish's straw things were great musical instruments haha...then we went to class..there was a total of like 6 ppl in my science class...so iasked all my quetsions n then we all sat around doin the review questions together n shit...it was actually pretty amusing...plus we got our marks...my mark didnt get beat to shit like i thought!!!!i sitll have the highest mark in the class...hellz yes! lol no i am not a nerd...92%...so lets see how i hold out for the exam...lol then math was math...i was excited tho cuz i got evertyhing on the reveiw so far *knock on wood*...cept her friggin voice gave me a madd headache = (...but i got my mark n it was 87%...thats good considering i thought that was beat to shit too...so im motivated today id say...now if i can stay on track i can get some studyin done....english exam tomrrow...i dont even care nemore...tonite im studying math with trish...should be entertaining...but all good! lol today was a good day!
i didnt get to see muh hunni alot today tho so that licks = ( but im glad hees back, at least i can talk to him!......im still kinda pissy but onli when i think bout shit that went down so its all good
well i better head off...gutta study sum more before i get compelty fucked outta studying lol...keepin it real;) lol
Layta dayz
LiL mIz TbAbY *muah*
*wif a x n o, im out like whoa*
~Love U Sweetz = )*