Jun 11, 2004 16:14
hellz yes, tha last day of skool and wut....im so pumped...its so niceout...gah im so excited for summer:)...so exams can lick my ballz...since i havent studeied yet...and they start soon! haha
chris goes away this weekend...actually hees leaving like rite now...ill miss u babe :(....
on another note, skool todya was fun...we did shit all...n it was halrious cuz everyone was so hyper...hadda clean out our lockers aka carry lotsa books home so that kinda licked, but otherwise it was mint!..lol i cant beleive i said skoolwas mint...im gunna miss grade 10 = ( n my classes cuz they had wikkid ppl in it...= (...but oh well theres still a chance for next year!
ohhh btw Happy Birthday Nick!.....lol.....oh me n korey hadda slapping n punching fight...i sooooo won! he hurt haha *devil face*...oh n afterskool these ghetto ppl were walkin behind us n they were like..hey ...hey...gurl with the skirt on so i turned (cuz i was the onli one with the skirt on) n this gurl was like hey n i was like...hi..n then i turned back around (this was me trish jess n chris) so then the gurl was like hey...hey gurl with the skirt so i turned again n was like wut n she was liek wuts ur name n i was like tracy n turned back around n then a couple mins later she was like hey...hey...tracy!...n i turned n she was like this guy hear wants ur number n i was like...no thankz n turned around n they were like ooohhh...haha itwas comical
chillin wif jess tonite...gunna b hella tight...n then chillin wif mee-lee tomrorw...off tha hizzle!...then of course studying i spose *rollz eyez*...maybe summa that tonite..i do wanna pass skool after all...i guess...haha...cuz ive been slaking off ALOT lately..:S...oh well...newyz gutta bizounce n get them plans for tonite goin...
layta dayz
LiL mIz TbAbY *muah*
*wif a x n o, im out like whoa*
~Love u Baby!~