Where hast thou been hiding, dearest Robert?

Feb 08, 2009 22:41

A few months back I may have made a comment (or thirty) about my favorite pair of pants owned by one, Robert Pattinson. You know the one's I'm talking about--they are grey, and that's all I need to say. Well, after making one comment too many, I swear he picked up on my mental wavelengths, and the pants were laid to rest and replaced with blue jeans...and a haircut. I was more than elated that America's new loverboy was branching out from his original two reliable pairs of pants. However, months have passed and I have nothing left but memories and old photos of the pants that I hold so dear.

Then, Robert seemed to fall off the radar entirely. Post-promotion from Twilight and a break before promotion for Little Ashes (which hits theaters in the States in March) has allowed  Mr. Pattinson a chance to travel back to his Motherland of England and take a little "holiday" away from the fan-damonium that surrounds him everytime he even thinks about blinking in Los Angeles.

However, unfortunately for Mr. "Patz" the fangirls are just as rampant in London as they are in the States. In a small state of depression over lack of new Patz pics, I was squealing and very much surprised today when new pics surfaced of our dearly beloved out and about in London. And if that wasn't enough to give my little heart a flutter, he was wearing his signature black pants, leather jacket, and beanie! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the old Rob is back and back in action! As much as I hate the paparazzi for harassing celebrities and not giving them a chance to be normal, this Patz-parazzi capturing a picture does make my heart thump extra fast.

And this girl right here couldn't be happier.

photo credit to gossipgirls.com

robert pattinson, signature pants

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