
Dec 04, 2007 06:57

Jackie fyatt is not only running for presidency, she has been known to contribute to the community, a wonderful yearbook member, president of the ________ club and an excellent student at Coral Gables Senior High. Jackie is Hispanic, Jackie is a sister, she is a girlfriend, a best friend and Jackie Fyatt is a proud American. Among many changes she would like to implement , Ms.Fyatt would like to discard the Death penalty throughout all the States. As cruel as criminals and murderers can be , we are no one to take a life. Only god himself chooses when to cut a life off and we have no power in that department. Aside from the religious aspect of it all, Murderers and Rapists see the death penalty as an easy way out rather than a life sentence that forces them to be incarcerated their entire life and think over and over about the crime that imprisoned them. It’s their “cop-out”. No taxes will be raised but instead government employee salaries will be lowered to help pay for the prison food, workers, and any other expenses. We’re gonna keep them off the streets and out of the cemetery. ___enter statistic____ While many other candidates chose to bicker back and forth on controversial topics, Jackie likes to promote her Pro-choice lifestyle. Whether she agrees with topics like gay marriage or abortions is irrelevant in this election. She wants to promote the right for everyone to chose whether they’re heterosexual or homosexual or perhaps whether they want to have children or not. Her job is to point this country in the right direction and lead us and make decisions for us all. Her job is not to dictate us and tell us what decisions we must make because of her own opinions unlike SOME candidates who think they should decide on our behalf what is morally correct. If any idea or lifestyle Ms.Fyatt would like Americans to adapt to is being eco-friendly . She would like to gather a small committee to work on new ideas on how to spread the eco-friendly theme as well as work on new inventions that can be used on a daily basis that can make a difference in our global warming. Getting more Americans involved in purchasing hybrid cars and recycling is just a first of many steps in her plan to help the planet and get America to do their share. ___ enter info________Finish off with stem-cell research.


Resolved that Stem Cell Research Should Be Allowed
"In embryonic stem cells may lie the key to healing within the human body..." (Stem Cell Research). Sadly, many groups are failing to realize this very fact. Stem cell research could help countless people cope with their disease and make the world a more content place. Stem cell research should be allowed because it could help in scientific research, it is more important to save the lives of those already living than those who do not yet exist, and many of the people infected with these diseases may give up on life knowing that there is a cure to their disease and they cannot receive it.
Investigations on stem cells could help in scientific research. Stem cell research could help find cures to some of the most common and devastating diseases. "...Research involving human stem cells... promises new treatments and possible cures for many debilitating diseases and injuries, including Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, burns and spinal cord injuries” (Stem Cell Basics). Also, the benefits of all the medical advances that can come from stem cell research have already been proven. “Stem cell research is responsible research that could potentially save millions of lives.” (California Approves Stem…). Today, organs and tissues from donors are used to help replace infected ones but they are not sufficient to help everyone. Subsequently, stem cell research could help in discovering new sanative methods and help many of these patients get their needed treatment.
It is more important to save the lives of those already living than those who do not yet exist. In fertility clinics, many embryos are thrown away because of lack of use; therefore, it would not be killing the embryos but simply using them for a specific purpose. This is supported in the statement, "… Obtaining cells from legally obtained abortants or from early stage embryos that are destined to be discarded in the course of IVF procedures and making them available for potentially life-saving purposes would be viewed as ethically permissible if not a moral imperative" (Stem Cell Research). Furthermore, an embryo cannot be compared to a real child because it does not yet move or have characteristics of a human. An embryo may not even have the capacity to become a fetus. "I just cannot equate a child living in the womb, with moving toes and fingers and a beating heart, with a frozen embryo sitting in a lab somewhere" (Stem Cell Research). A person cannot deprive another person of a cure to their disease if the resources are available. All in all, the patient should be allowed to receive the needed treatment because he/she has a past, a present, and hopefully a future.
Many of the people infected with these diseases may give up on life knowing that there is a cure to their disease and they cannot receive it. "As you consider the funding options for stem cell research, please remember me… If it wasn't for cord blood, I'd probably be dead by now". (Stem Cell Research). In addition, families are agonized enough with a loved one’s sickness and do not need to suffer having to lose someone close to them when the proper treatment is available. The mother of a young boy with juvenile diabetes once said, "It takes up your whole entire life. Not a second goes by [when] you don't know what Frankie's doing or eating" (Scientists, Patients, and…). Last, being unable to move around or work is already enough pain but knowing that it does not have to be that way may be unbearable to some. In brief, it is important that patients receive available treatment in order for them to live happily.
In conclusion, stem cell research should be thought of as one of the miraculous options we have to save the lives of millions of people. There will always be groups opposing this case, but the benefits of the research cannot be denied. Vital reasons of why stem cell research should be allowed are because it could help in scientific research, it is more important to save the lives of those already living than those who do not yet exist, and many of the people infected with these diseases may give up on life knowing that there is a cure to their disease and they cannot receive it. The end results of stem cell research will, without a doubt, be powerful and compensate those arguments opposing its use.
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