Oct 22, 2007 20:53
Hello friends..
Its been awhile since I've used this but I kinda need to let some stuff out or I might just explode.
A. I love senior year but i dont know how i'm gonna deal with my parents constantly complaining about all the money they're spending between school functions and college application/ SAT & ACT fees..... I seriously see myself not buying any extra cute stuff for me like clothes or books or jewelery god I need a job....
B. More and more each day I realize how much I hate my house.... I'm the happiest person ever outside of it but my weekends at my house are ridiculous.. I literally walk around my own home like a zombie. Who lives like that? This year is gonna be the toughest for me ever. I can already see the tears and blood shed. ( not actual blood duh) I feel so ready to be independent and I truly believe I can fend for myself out in the world but they just keep me hidden away from reality and i miss out on amazing experiences. If they never let me try how do they know i'll fail? Grrrrr.
C. Each day I lose a little of my excitement for homecoming. Its gonna be dramatic and up until then I'm going to have to hear my folks bitch about money. yippeee!
D. I need a part time job!!!
E. No boys in my life which sucks bootango!
F. New fave ppl this year Diana, Vane , and Raymond!! they rock my socks. Just ask miss cleo or is it cloe lmao!! inside joke.
G. I love yearbook and its one of the few things keeping me sane this year.. like you have no idea.
This is a message out to anything or higher being that is listening.... Please save me from my misery cause except for my amazing moments with friends i really see my days go by with nothing no excitement and in reality im so full of life. I love who I am and I'm ready to discover life!!!
Sorry if I bore you and if you think im being a drama queen you really dont know the half of the story.
I need another night at kristys :o/ That aways makes me feel better..... 5 more months till some freedom.
♥ ALi