Oct 26, 2006 15:52
All the good one sare taken :o/
Lately I've been ok. Alan has entered my life and hes a cool kid but i don't know if hes like boyfriend material, like i dont see him like that yet in my eyes....
Mi cubanaso is still there a better than ever... It was so cute the other night i called him and he was falling asleep and i was like oh don't worry I'll call you tomorrow and hes was yea but i dont wanna ahng up :o) wow major smile on my face even thinking about it cause of the way he said it.
So hes there and um well I'm kinda backed to square one with him because theres so much there whether either of us wanna relize it or not and wanna make something of it even though he made that very clear. The moment i was finally done with him he comes back telling me how he likes me and he was so interested in me and how i don't want him anymore and blah blah blah. I couldn't lie to him and say i didn't want him anymore....... cause i really want him :o/ I know it makes no sense to those whoo know *cough close friends cough* but though hes not a hottie hes adorable and cute and sarcastic, funny, sweet, sexy, and alot of nice qualities.
Besides that thing are great with yearbook!!! Having a blast with that!!!
I hate ms.hoffmans class and im getting out of it no matter what!!!!!
Well tonight im going to the miami high game vs. Gables, I'm so excited!!! Milis going with me!!!!
♥ aLi
P.s. I need a dress for homecoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.s.s. I wanna be homecoming princess :o/
P.s.s.s. I want a boyfriend :o(