Sep 06, 2006 09:29
So things are fabulous here . We owe like $1700 in bills and we have no food . But there is always free porn so at least we have that . My mom decided that she isnt going to wait for the house to sell so she is giving her two week notice at work on Friday , assumingI have found a decent apartment that will take her monsterous dog . I start work on Monday so hopefully the horrible habit called eating we have will be fullfilled soon . I forgot that we all have livejournals to bitch about shit that isnt worth bitchig about so I've been doing it all in my head ... crazy I know . we are all sick , well all the big people , Jeni was first then Ryan and now me , and Jeni is starting back up again , I decided that I don't want to be sick twice so I'm just gonna hold onto it and wait until after Ryan is sick again to get rid of it . Sore throat , stuffy nose , shit like that . Apparently I had to add on the sinus pressure , the ear ache , the headache causedby the sinus pressure and the earache , my wisdom teeth and some cramps just to mix it up a bit . Why not take medicine you ask ? Cuz I cant , I have a bad reactions to whatever nasil decongestant they put in cold meds , Im allergic to Neproxin , which is what they put in the medicine for cramps , and I can only take Excedrine if I know I am getting a migraine . So basically I get to suck it up , Im a fucking champ I know . There is something wrong with the starter in the car , it takes forever to start it so Jared has been late to school like twice . The roaters are fucking gone so its wicked safe to drive around wtih the kids in the car . Jeni got a cat , little tiny kitten , hes black , he crys alot , Jared likes him , I hate him , Dominic thinks he is a snack and Ryan thinks he is dinner , I dont really know what Jeni thinks about him , apparently he purrs alot , I try not to go near him cuz I hate cats ... wel I hate animals and it just so happens that cats fall under that catagory . i guess its cool cuz the previous owner was going to kill it with some bleach , but its still annoying . The neighbors ar loud , they slam the door all the fucking time , we hung out with one of the guys over there , he didnt speak much english , but he was cool in a creepy mexican sort of way . We went to the lake the other day and they were playing ridiculous circus music the whole time . We ran out of Bacardi , i dont know how I'm going to live wiht out drinking everyday , I mean seriously . I know there I could just not drink but seriously who does that ? Not us , its a bad habit but it certainly isnt a problem . Jeni is giving me stuff to bitch about cuz its cool . Wasn't it annoying ? A whole entry of me bitching about stuff that no one cares about , like our Bacardi "problem" , and a bunch of other bullshit that no one can fix but us . So I would like to thank Jeni for contributing to this LJ entry and also everyone who hass given us the ammunition to be the biggest cunts ever , because without you we wouldn't have anyone to not feel sorry for .