Oct 20, 2010 13:54
Well, today's spirit day, unfortunately Raja here had all her purple stuff ( read, one purple dress ) in the wash, and I didn't have any soap, so I wasn't too terribly spirited looking.
Spirit day is 'sposed to be about remember those who have been driven to kill themselves over their sexual orientation. Today, to me, is basically a day of mourning.
There was a group of spirit'd individuals out on the University's green. Get this, some religious fucks showed up, alla Westboro Baptist Church and was harassing them. One girl was shouting at them and wearing a sign, "FEAR GOD!"
I'm not Christian, but I thought it was, "Love God?"
Loving out of fear is not love, but I digress.
I found the actions of these individuals disgusting, and if I wasn't more reserved, or passive, I probably would've jumped into the fray. But as I said, I'm extremely passive, despite my ragey antics in my journal and car.
You can have your religion, you can even think homosexuality is wrong, but you have no fucking right to tread on, or stamp on a day of mourning and remembrance. You have no right to say what rights others have just because they are different than you.
Drive today wasn't too horrible. Two old biddies in a beat to crap station wagon going 40 in a 55, while smoking up the car and gabbing, then later a mum with two children acting up in the back gabbing on a cellphone going 37 or so in a 45, and then drops to 20 when there's a center turn lane for her to pull into for her turning. :/ Other than that, not too many ragey antics.
Did park where I did yesterday, got another long walk today. I am determine to get off this plateau. I am NOT going to be at 182lbs for the second week in a row.
Which, need to move the car, got a late class later, don't need to be walking through pitch black. :/
not fic,
car antics,
using and abusing lj,
drop dead and give me thirty,
gay rights,
religious morons