Sunday of doom, and I'm bored fuckless. Dad's buggering off down le pub. I might do my hair and fiddle around with it. Hahaha still can't believe that Dani lied to me about Rachel Stamp. Arse wipe. He stinks of bum juice anyway.
This man = yummage
Innocent hangs us all in the end. Today's been pretty shite like - what am I on about? I've updated this fookin thing like 4 times today. That's how bored I've been : | God I need a fag. And I could do with a drink. A cuppa coffee MMMMmmmmm....My computers a bastard too, my MSN keeps on effing up, so I can't talk to people for more than like, 30 seconds. Computers = Arsewank. I'm swearing so much lately lol. It's the boredom I swear!! I feel like an ugly freak today. God I look like a zebra's bum. Speaking of bums.....BUM JUICE! I seriously have gotta stop saying that.
I'm booooorrrreeeeeddd!
I feckin' hate sundays!!