Sweet revenge

Oct 15, 2005 08:54

Yes. Today willl be fun! My manager has no clue that Travis and Boyd "might be stopping by" today. Why is that such sweet revenge????? Because Travis and Boyd are the Technical Service Manager (Trav) and the District Manager (Boyd obviously). And out of the three that are working today I am the only one that knows. YAY! Which shall be fun because I am going to be in dress code and Ian and Christine are going to be slacking. I will be the one doing everything correctly and they will be slacking. I am going to be the perfect little angel and they are going to be children about not knowing. I am sure this will piss Christine (My manager) off!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Now she will see what she does to me on a daily basis! FUCK YEAH! Not to mention Boyd owes me a lunch. And I have to talk to him about quitting after Christmas. Why you ask?? Because I can't stand Christine sitting in the back reading ROMANCE NOVELS instead of say, organizing her desk (amply nicknamed "The Abis!"), writing out the schedual, dusting the store when I am say printing or even organizing the display shelves. But no, she reads her soft core porn basically. And not to mention I can't be around that much dust anymore, I get this nice pnamoniac cough and also cough up blood. So I kinda don't want to do that anymore. I mean, I love working there and playing with all the camera's. But the dust and all the cleaning solutions are making me sick. But I have to let Boyd know it's not because of him at all. I frigin adore Boyd. He is HILLARIOUS. But yeah. Anyway. I am going to go back to sleep. At least until 10.30 or so. Then I have to get ready for work. I work 1-8 tonight. Yeah, that's right. I DON'T CLOSE!!!!!!! FUCKIN FINALLY!!!! And I have a date! WOOT! Yes ladies and gentalmen, I have an actual bonified date. I know. IT'S SO SHOCKING!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Anyway. Adios muchacho's.

Until next time this is KC Slater bowing out gracefully.

Quote of the day
"Don't tell Christine. Let her be surprised so she gets yelled at by Boyd for her desk and reading!" - Mike and I ploting against our manager.
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