Nov 25, 2004 21:38
well i havent written on this in such a long long time ay... but my days have been busy evry day and night, its like the first nite at home tonite... yay surprising ay but im bored lol...
i really should catch up on sleep but i cant cause i got too many assesmnts to do n skools crazy..its jus work, work n more work... oh wells i still enjoy my life with all my dancin, partyin, goin crazy but i do miss uki dancin, only cause it feels like i never ever see the ukis anymore so it reali reali sucks....
oh guess what happend 2day... well i got my first assesmnt mark of hsc stuf back, from a in class essays - dance -(2) back n i got 18 outta 20, so im happy as, seeing as i studied the whole concept the nite before... n i made a cake 2day in child studies, was sooo funny, im like the worst cook but the funniest one around, i keep eatin all the ingredients b4 i put it turned out alrite actually, well i thought it did, mite post the pic on here wen i get the photo of the cake d teacher took 2day in clas...
wat else... last nite i went to see the lion king, was sooo awesome i had the best time watchin it n alll the costumes n props were like woah.. hahaa they wer heaps mad n pumba n timon... r my best friends cause der cool hehe n zazo, the bird haha...but yea great nite it was, got home real real late like 2ish am den 2day had speech to do 2dya on inner journeys, i fully stuffed that up bad but hey i was too tired to notice that i went bad lol...
watelse.. mat from skool, cals me 24 7, its like all he has time for is to call or speak to me.... started off quite sweet but now kinda scary n obsessed as....
johnny is all good, we r jus mates now, most ppl know who he is..thou sometimes i reali think hes the sweetest guy eva n hes cute n all but he can b such a dik n mean.. like last week makin me cry over nothin... but we all good now, wel he wants a relationship but i dont neways....
my dance concert is on next sunday.... finally... i sooo canty wait, but how imbrassin im wearin a tutu hehe n all d ukis wanted to come n watch but hey they got their concert, thank goodness, didnt want dem seein me in that but i got a cute pink dress4 ballet, n yea.. im sooo sick of rehearsals like evry day n nite ay... but hopefully it wil b worth it...
oh my skool camp is comin up 14th - 16th dec... soo cant wait.. its at collaroy, aparently some beach, n im learnin to surf hehe i cant wait to see me try that haha im goin to b a crack up ay.. thou im jus a little scared to go cause even thou i met new friends, im scared im gona b left out of somthin n i dont know any guys so it gonna b wierd... but im gona pray 4 the best...
hey chrissy ur bday is comin up soooo soooo soon, we gots hav a party n go out hehe... cant believ ur goin to b 17, soon before u know it, u'll be 18, that sounds scary, we r growin sooo fast, i stil rememba our kiddy days, i loved dem days, jus play n muck around n no stress at all hahaa
neway i think this is a very very very very very very very long journal, well to me it is... but i been on n off with msn n other stuf too neways i hope u enjoyed the news n all bout me 2day n the last few days n yea
nite evry1,
mwa luv lydz
lil miss giggles hehe