Apr 17, 2008 12:03
Don't fucking crowd surf. I'm fat, and I don't do it. Do you know how bad it hurts having your bulbous ass dropped on your head? It hurts bad enough when a normal sized person does it. Asshole.
That being said, I went to the Bouncing Souls show last night. Before I left, I was in the most rotten of rotten emo moods ever. I know what was wrong, but don't feel the need to post it on a public journal. The Jazz being totally blown out to the Spurs wasn't helping things, either.
So I get to the show, and the opener was playing. They were... different. It was a HUGE band (I have no idea how many people) doing cover songs of mostly older punk and shit like "Nelly the Elephant" and the Beastie Boys. For what they were, they weren't bad. I was far from impressed though. I'm not a big fan of cover bands. To irritate me even more, a certain douchebag was standing right next to me making me feel all sorts of awkward. I was hoping he would say something to me so I could be a bitch right back to him, but I was not awarded that. Luckily, the Bouncing Souls started and I headed up front.
I haven't been in a crowd like that for awhile. The bouncing souls played mostly old songs and fan favorites and everyone was going nuts. Even being in the crowd at the Street Dogs/Anti-Flag show pales to this. There was so much pushing and shoving and sweating. I regretted taking my purse, but hadn't really anticipated it being like that. To make it even more fun, my pants got all stretched out not far into the set and i had to keep pulling them up.
The best was Greg playing a Sick of it All song on a ukulele. A few in the crowd were pissed, but obviously didn't appreciate the awesomeness.
At one point I felt very hard boobs against my back. GROSS! To make it even better, she started booty dancing with her back to me. So I had her nasty ass rubbing all up on mine. Who the fuck does that? I'm assuming she was only there because her boyfriend liked the band... but whatever. She got her ankles stomped on a few good times for good measure before she moved away from me. :)
I couldn't make it the entire set in the crowd. At one point I was just too sweaty and disgusting and got tired of gasping for air. That's when I made my way out of the crowd, into the bathroom and drank from the sink. That's something I haven't had to do in years... probably like 6 years. I was SOAKED and not because of the water. I looked like I had gotten in a brawl in a sauna. It was nasty.
I spent the rest of their set (maybe like, 3 songs and the encore) kinda in the crowd but mostly not. They ended their encore with "night on earth" all nice and slow. I thought it was an odd choice, but it was also different and neat.
I bought yet another hoodie that I really don't need and got the fuck out of there. My whole person was damp and sweaty and just gross. My hair was a ratted mess of frizz and I was happy that I didn't bother to really put my face on beforehand - I'm sure it would have ended up all over me and my equally sweaty counterparts.
Ah well, all the pushing, shoving and random bouncing put me in a much better mood.
bouncing souls