Week in Review (late)

Apr 15, 2008 22:18

OMG - I almost forgot to do a WiR post this week.

Nothing much has happened this week - there is some news that some people know about but most of you don't which is how it will stay until more information is at hand.

On Saturday Tom went to Aratula for a mini-tournament charity gig for another re-enactment group and tested out his new armour (that he is paying off from our group) - he actually won the tournament against their knight and the crowd of sick children also cheered muchly for Tom.

We also saw on The Great Outdoors on Sunday night a snippet that they did on the Abbey Medieval Tournament in which you see Tom twice, his brother twice, me once and a number of other people we know within our group and a couple of others - check it out here

Nothing much else really to report.

kolr, wir

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