Jan 14, 2008 08:40
What a week it has been...
Tuesday saw our almighty return to Coffee Night and catch up with many old friends (and some new ones) since our abscence due to rehearsals, Christmas and the like. As always a little too much food was consumed and I got a belly ache.
The next day was a little rushed at work as I tried to get all Tom to finish all his outstanding jobs so that they could be picked up by customers before he flew out to Perth the next morning at 'fuck-off-o-clock'.
It was 4am I had to arise to ensure Tom would be out of bed and ready for collection by his parents to the airport to catch a 6:30am flight to Sydney with a connection there to Perth. Apart from not being tired the night before and not actually getting to bed until after midnight and then not being able to get back to sleep after Tom's departure and await my other alarm to wake me a couple of hours later for work, I then found myself extremely tired and spent most of the day at work kicking myself for it. It didn't help that we had heaps of jobs come in and both the remaining techs at work blitzing through them all. In my delicate state I was not looking forward then a night at the theatre and then the long drive home (via Deagon).
After a good sleep that night Friday seemed to drag on, and yet still be fairly busy. I was down another tech due to car issues so was left with one guy doing all the running around. I was so drained that I went to the theatre early and managed to have about a 25 mins sleep side-stage which prepped me for the show and drive ahead.
I got up early on Saturday as I needed to make use of the sunlight and get through 5 (out of 6) loads of washing, duck up to Toombul to drop off some banking and investigate some ideas for cast presents and then into work to help finish off a job from Friday. I still managed to sneak in an hour or so of a nap in the afternoon before heading to the theatre for the evening performance. I was actually hoping to get there earlier to catch the children's show and speak to their director about our closing night next week but alas I needed the nap. Whilst I didn't have the long drive to Deagon and back after the show, a good friend of mine came to see the show and needed a lift to Sinnamon Park (via Nundah). Whilst I still got back at roughly the same time as it would have normally taken me to drive to Deagon, I think the highway made me extra tired and I zonked out once home.
Up again early on Sunday...or so I had tried to plan to not only finish off the last load of washing but to also get in early for the matinee performance of our show and tidy up my mess from the night before. As we were in on Sunday I didn't bother resetting after Saturday night and thought I could get away early instead.
Show went well - except when the MC decided to skip one of the skits so we had to reset madly in the intro to the skit he had skipped to, and then go back to the one he'd skipped...We pulled it off quite nicely considering we really hadn't planned for it.
After the show it was the first meet back for KOLR and there was to be a bit of a committee meeting with me as the new Secretary. It was a very long meeting indeed lasting just over 2 hours but a lot was achieved in terms of what we can do for the group this year. Following this I then took Tom's brother back home and had dinner with him and his dad before making my way home again to sleep.
I did warn you it was a big week...