Timing is everything. These are bad times for people with mortgages and credit card debt. These are bad times for people who own nightclubs. Times are bad if you happen to me and you want to make progress with your tissu routine. They're bad if you do not enjoy the sound of jackhammers outside of both the Bunker and the Mysterious Workplace or if you do not enjoy sewage in your living room. These are grim and terrible times, my imaginary readers who have not yet abandoned LJ for Facebook or Dreamwidth or whatever the kids are using these days to fill out quizzes to tell them which X-Men character they are.
But take heart! It is a glorious time in ess eff for people who enjoy food, which all reasonable and right-thinking people do. There is a new farmer's market inside of the decaying corpse of the Metreon. The temple to Sony branding is being replaced by an oyster bar, where I plan to eat raw oysters until every last one of those slimy little bivalves has been destroyed. The farmer's market is only here for the summer, since their lease expires in the fall when the Metreon's evil corporate masters will attempt to reinvigorate it with some kind of remodeling. I am hoping that the aptly-named Island Earth Market will float from one retail disaster area to the next, spreading joy and organic produce throughout downtown. I will be disappointed if the market does not take over the now-defunct Virgin Megastore next, and then perhaps CompUSA.
It is a glorious time for people who wish to stalk the creme brulee cart, which they may now do via
Twitter. Truly, this has helped me to divine Twitter's ultimate purpose, which is to help me to locate roving guerilla street food. Twitter will also provide the location of the
Magic Curry Kart and the
Mobile Pho Truck. If you are not a denizen of Bay Area, you may wish to consult this
list of street food vendors who use Twitter, which is conveniently divided by city. Soon, I have been told, our stoner Frenchmen will be setting up a truck by the Bunker which will serve take-away French food, which I take as proof of a kind and loving god who answers my entreaties.
How can anyone despair at a time when technology conspires to bring us so much delicious food? I know that there is a War on Fun and Guantanamo Bay isn't closing and the Obama administration is defending warrantless wiretapping and we're all broke, but when the repo man comes - tell him I'm eating.