my new livejournal experience

Sep 15, 2005 17:45

these's are my xanga entries starting from the summer that i got xanga, up til now. it'll take a while to get there...but it'll be fun!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

omg i am so bloody bored!!! i hate that so many ppl are outta town!!!! its no fair and no fun!!! but i guess i shouldnt say that cuz im leaving on sunday. itll be nice to be there. i havent been to tennessee over the summer in five years. so i have a lot of catching up to do in a week.....ya anyway. i got my first reality check about high school today. saguaro sent a package of papers concerning all the beginning of the year stuff. i guess i havent really let this whole saguaro thing sink in yet. its weird. every day for the past 9 years i would wake up, get ready and go to the same place, Cheyenne. it hasnt hit me yet that in 2 weeks im not going to the same school with all the same people and same buildings and same campus. i have to start up from the beginning and im not looking forward to it at all. at all. sure ive got three/four of my bestfriends going but w/e. ambs and britt have already made friends from their cheer squad. and nathan has sterling and all of his other friends. so i guess its me and der bear. until that doesnt work or something. i dunno. its craziness. i know that ill just stress myseld way outta my mind and then go completely nuts before school starts. its inevitable. i always do that to myself. i hope it all worx out tho. i dont wanna be miserable in high school. theres my days worry. actually its my summers worry. if ur reading this and you actually care, thx.

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