
Jan 24, 2007 20:17 it has been a while. I have been so busy trying to figure this wedding stuff out and I am to the point where I want it to just be over. Speaking of the 6 months to go.

Sorry I don't sound so excited, but I am frustrated as hell. I don't know how many times you have to tell someone something for them to get the picture. That's hint....I am giving them the whole picture, but still no success. Seems like that is how thing are going for me lately anyways...unsuccessful.

I have realized that I have begun resorting to drinking and that is not a good thing. There is nothing wrong with drinking, but it seems as though I am drinking everyday. I can stop, don't get me wrong, but it seems as though the alcohol makes me forget the crap I have to deal with. I know it sounds wrong, but I don't know what else to do since my medication only helps to a point.

I guess I am gonna go for now. There is so much more to talk about, but I will do that on another day where my entry can be on a good note. I hate being so blah, but in due time it will all be behind me.

One last note...I hate my apartment it is too cold! I wish I lived in Kernersville, NC so I could be super close to my favorite race car driver...and it is warm!
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