Jul 08, 2005 22:20
My mom spent part of the day calling around to see how much a starter would cost for my car. Well, let's just say it is going to be over $300 (and that is just for the starter) because no one carries it...you have to get it from the manufacturer/dealer. GREAT. She called one of the Toyota dealerships and when they asked her what problems I was having they said "it is the battery not the starter, we have never had to replace a starter in any of our vehicles." OK then. So just to double check and make sure it was not the battery, we pulled the battery out of my car and took it to Auto Zone to have it tested, sure enough, the battery was good. All I have to say is Toyota is not going to like what my mom has to say to them. Let me explain that a little...
For those of you who know me, I can bitch my way through certain issues to get things discounted or free, restaurants are one of my specialties (if they would cook my food right the first time or give me the proper service, then it wouldn't be a problem). Anyways, let's just say my mom can get almost any thing fixed for free if something is wrong (I love that trait I inherited).
Back to my story...
So after my dad looks at my car on Monday, just to make sure no wires are loose around the starter or what not, then my mom is going to order my $300 starter as well as call Toyota headquarters. One, she is pissed because of what the dealerships said. Two, she is pissed because a car that is only a 2003 shouldn't have a bad starter. And three, she feels that although I am 4K over my warranty mileage (I am still under my years...by a month) that Toyota should help out with the problem, especially since they claim to "never have a starter problem."
I am stuck with no car. Kevin has to drive me to work every morning and pick me up (thank god I am on his way to and from work). My sis is letting me borrow her car to go to Erie for the weekend. And I will now owe my parents more money.
I should just let Toyota come and take this piece of shit away, but I don't want to ruin my credit.
In the end...
Toyota sucks!