Delivery for James (Locked to James only)

Aug 29, 2008 16:08

In the mailbox to his apartment, he'd find a small package addressed to him from Cassandra. She'd sent it express delivery so that it got there. Once unwrapped there would be a leather bound book with blank pages inside, a old style fountain pen and a note addressed to James. Once he would open the letter, a picture would fall out, which we're sure he'd know would be explained in the letter.

I'm..sorry for how I acted. I was just so screwed up, drunk and there really..isn't an excuse for it. So I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you as one of my best friends and if I screwed that up? I'm sorry and I'll understand it. When you're sixteen you kind of get lost in the whole non-reality of things. It shouldn't have happened. I'm glad it did though, it helped me get through some stupid shit. Let me tell you that.

A lots happened since the um, blow out. Jesse got a spell on him that made him sixteen. Sixteen James! It's weird and nice at the same time. Confusing as all hell because I always said that if he was older, he'd be almost the perfect guy for me. He reminds me a lot of you, minus the teacher status. We're going to the movies and i'm hoping nothings going to be weird or anything cause really that would suck.

I've...decided to go back to school. Because of you. I'm going to go, graduate and then see about possibly go to college. Become a teacher. Attempt to change some kids lives or something. Funny right? Me. A teacher. Probably laughing right this minute at that. Or at least smiling. Tell me you're smiling at least.

Yeah, so I guess you're wondering about the book and the picture. Well, I got you the book and pen because I know you write, so it's something that you can write in whatever you want. I thought it was cool at the time until after I had it wrapped and then I thought it was kind of cheesy. The picture apparently was taken when I was in NYC visiting you. A old friend saw us together and then sent me the digital copy, figuring I could use a keepsake (like the tattoo really isn't enough keepsake). So, I went to Walgreens, got a copy printed out and shoved it in this letter.

I don't expect to hear from you for a while, probably mad at me anyway but, I had to try and make amends because if I lost you as a friend, that would honestly suck. So, yeah. Write me back or drop me an email. Sorry for acting like such an idiot.


And jesus christ she prayed that he didn't show this to anyone.

Mun note: DUDE IT IS TOTALLY FREAKING AMUSING! I never KNEW Adam and Hayden ever like actually MET and then I ran across that picture. Seriously. FREAKY.

verse: from the dark comes a light, person: jamesy

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