Pick The Music Application

Aug 28, 2008 15:06

Why do you put me on a pedestal
I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below
So help me down you've got it wrong
I don't belong there
- Bethany Joy Lenz - Halo

The room had been dark as the young teen slept on the couch. She'd taken this job for a plastic surgeon. Reconstructive plastic surgeon to be more exact on the notion of things. She got along with Jesse oddly well. Maybe it was the fact that she was somewhat close to his age, or the fact that they could play games together and not think about anything else. She could act like a normal teenager, even if she really wasn't. She'd fallen asleep nestled against the younger one in the sleeping bag, her arms wrapped around him protectively with her head on his shoulder.

Her pillow was slightly damp and she had forgotten how it got that way until her head cleared from the daze it was in from sleep. Oh. Right. She'd cried last night after Jesse had fallen asleep. Or she hoped he was asleep when she did it. Christ, she did not want to seem weak in front of possibly her best friend. Her charge? No. Friend. Friend sounded better then charge or kid. He wasn't exactly a kid. Mark had come home almost exactly fifteen minutes after she opened her eyes. She had heard him give a soft laugh at the two of them like that before looking to Cassie and giving a nod. Her eyes closed again and she nestled back down into the pillow and pulled Jesse closer. It was oddly comforting doing this with someone that didn't expect anything out of her in return other then friendship.

Then she met Hamilton and things kind of just...happened. She let them. It was a way to forget what happened in the past weekend and this past week. It was called four bottles of liquor. Johnny, Jack, Jimmy and Jose. Their poisons. Which lead to stripping, then kissing. And then well, inevitably sex. It was good sex at least, she couldn't deny that. After all that was said and done, all he did was hold her and a few soft kisses to the shoulder here and there. They both were a mess. He loved his partner and well, she didn't love anyone but she cared for someone. They'd decided it was comfort sex.

Everyone seemed to think that she should be a certain way because of who her precious father was. That she should be off learning everything she could to pick up where he left off in case something should happen to him. She wasn't that person. She wasn't a innocent child that didn't know how the world really worked. She was a girl that'd done drugs, played guitar, drank booze and told people off if the need arised.

Something she knew she was damn good at was taking care of Jesse. She was a damned good friend to those that she deemed deserved to be called that. She also knew she was a mess. She wasn't perfect and she'd never be perfect.

She had her friends. She had Kitty, Chase, Mark, Jesse, West and a few others. That was all she needed.

Cassandra Storm/Original Character: Fantastic Four/ 507 words
Mark Sloan used with Mun's permission. Thread is open for comments and the like.

comm: pick the music, person: kitty, person: jesse sloan, person: hamilton dewey, person: jamesy, person: mark sloan

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